MaxDB 函数
PHP 手册



(PECL maxdb >= 1.0)

maxdb_fetch_assoc -- maxdb->fetch_assocFetch a result row as an associative array


Procedural style:

array maxdb_fetch_assoc ( resource $result )

Object oriented style (method):

array fetch_assoc ( void )

Returns an associative array that corresponds to the fetched row or NULL if there are no more rows.

The maxdb_fetch_assoc() function is used to return an associative array representing the next row in the result set for the result represented by the result parameter, where each key in the array represents the name of one of the result set's columns.

If two or more columns of the result have the same field names, the last column will take precedence. To access the other column(s) of the same name, you either need to access the result with numeric indices by using maxdb_fetch_row() or add alias names.

Note: 本函数返回的字段名是区分大小写的。

Note: 本函数对 PHP NULL 值设定 NULL 字段。


Returns an array that corresponds to the fetched row or NULL if there are no more rows in resultset.


Example #1 Object oriented style

= new maxdb("localhost""MONA""RED""DEMODB");

/* check connection */
if (maxdb_connect_errno()) {
printf("Connect failed: %s\n"maxdb_connect_error());

$query "SELECT name, state FROM ORDER by zip";

if (
$result $maxdb->query($query)) {

/* fetch associative array */
while ($row $result->fetch_assoc()) {
printf ("%s (%s)\n"$row["NAME"], $row["STATE"]);

/* free result set */

/* close connection */

Example #2 Procedural style


/* check connection */
if (maxdb_connect_errno()) {
printf("Connect failed: %s\n"maxdb_connect_error());

$query "SELECT name, state FROM ORDER by zip";

if (
$result maxdb_query($link$query)) {

/* fetch associative array */
while ($row maxdb_fetch_assoc($result)) {
printf ("%s (%s)\n"$row["NAME"], $row["STATE"]);

/* free result set */

/* close connection */


New York (NY)
New York (NY)
Long Island (NY)
Albany (NY)
Washington (DC)
Washington (DC)
Washington (DC)
Silver Spring (MD)
Daytona Beach (FL)
Deerfield Beach (FL)
Clearwater (FL)
Cincinnati (OH)
Detroit (MI)
Rosemont (IL)
Chicago (IL)
Chicago (IL)
New Orleans (LA)
Dallas (TX)
Los Angeles (CA)
Hollywood (CA)
Long Beach (CA)
Palm Springs (CA)
Irvine (CA)
Santa Clara (CA)
Portland (OR)


MaxDB 函数
PHP 手册